Located in Lemont Ill Joyce Selof has bred and raised Goldens for over 22 years. Sadly in Oct. 2012 Joyce passed away due to cancer. The knowledge, talent and love Joyce had for breeding and training dogs will be forever missed. After all those years of hard work and dedication put into her goldens we (her family) believe it would honor her to continue the legacy. One thing Joyce did probably more than most wanted to hear was share her knowledge. We have all been schooled by Joyce for years! Her husband Richard and her daughters, Leanne, Lori and Rachel are all pulling together to breed the dogs our mom had planned on. We were all raised in the dog world and have each gone into grooming, training, breeding and showing on our own and now we will do so together.
Breezewood Kennel
Lori Steck
Joliet, IL 60431
Cell: 815-641-7290
Email: breezewoodkennel@gmail.com